
New Life Church supports several local and global missions and missionaries.
Choices Women’s Center is a crisis pregnancy center located in Orlando. The center assists, counsels and encourages women who might be struggling with pregnancy or considering abortions.
Cristiano and Aimee De Sousa are also being supported in prayer at New Life. Cristiano is a U.S. military chaplain.
Don and Merril Mountan work with a global ministry called Equipping Leaders International. Don, who was the founding pastor at New Life, has been with ELI for many years and they are having a worldwide impact in training up new leaders to carry forth God’s Word.
Don and Claire-Lise Cobb are MTW (Mission to the World) missionaries in France who are supported by New Life. Don and his wife have labored in France for many years. He is currently teaching New Testament and church planting in one of the only evangelical seminaries in French-speaking Europe.
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at the University of Central Florida. A ministry of the Presbyterian Church in America on college campuses.
Abdi & Laura Mahmoud
Daniel & April Murphree
Colin & Zury Jennings

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